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How to turn your sales playbook into a private podcast

Picture this: your entire sales playbook turned into an engaging podcast series that your team can listen to anytime, anywhere. No more sifting through pages of text or sitting through lengthy training sessions. Instead, we're talking about a series of lively, easy-to-digest podcast episodes that your salespeople can tune into whether they're commuting, hitting the gym, or grabbing a coffee.

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Private podcasts are like having a personal coach in your ear.

Private podcasts provide tips, strategies, and insights in a way that's not just easy to understand but actually fun to follow.

They bring the best parts of your sales playbook to life, with real-world examples, interviews with top performers, and practical advice that your team can apply right away.

This blog post is your go-to guide for turning that hefty sales playbook into a podcast series that will capture your team's attention and boost their performance. We'll walk you through why podcasts are the perfect tool for today's sales professionals, how to create episodes that really resonate, and ways to keep your team coming back for more.

Step 1: Identify private podcast key topics

Before diving into the microphone, let's set the stage. Start with outlining your key playbook points. What are the must-know strategies, tips, and insights that every team member needs? Jot these down; they'll form the backbone of your podcast episodes.

Organize the main ideas into thematic episodes, each focusing on a specific aspect of sales excellence.

For example:

  1. Overview of our Products & Services

  2. Value Proposition & Key Selling points

  3. Customer Success Stories

  4. Objection Handling

  5. Sales Process: from prospecting to closing

  6. Negotiation strategies

Step 2: Plan your private podcast episodes

After identifying the key topics for your podcast series, the next step is to meticulously plan each episode. This involves more than just deciding on the content; it’s about crafting a narrative that engages, educates, and empowers your sales team. Here’s how you can approach this:

Episode structure

Design each episode with a clear structure in mind. Start with an introduction that hooks the listener, delve into the core content with engaging discussion or storytelling, and conclude with actionable takeaways or a summary of key points. This structure ensures consistency across your series and helps listeners know what to expect.

Content depth

For each thematic episode, determine the depth of content you want to cover. For instance, an episode on "Value Proposition & Key Selling Points" might include a breakdown of unique benefits, how these resonate with various customer personas, and real-life application examples.

Interactive elements

Plan to incorporate interactive elements that can transform passive listening into active engagement. This could be as simple as reflective questions, prompts for personal application, or suggestions for role-play exercises based on the episode’s content.

Guest contributions

Consider featuring guests like product experts, top sales performers, or even satisfied customers who can provide additional insights, share experiences, or illustrate key points with real-world examples, particularly in episodes focusing on customer success stories or specific sales strategies.

Choosing the right format

Decide on the format—be it monologue, interview, or role-play—that best suits each episode’s content. Monologues can be great for deep dives into specific topics, interviews can provide varied perspectives, and role-plays can illustrate practical applications of your strategies. A variety of formats keeps the content fresh and your team engaged.

Recording vs. scripting

Determine whether to present your content spontaneously or in a scripted format. Interviews with leaders and experts can be conveniently recorded using video call software such as Zoom, MS Teams, or Google Meet. These recordings can be effortlessly uploaded to a private podcasting platform like Audvice, which allows for quick conversion and sharing as a private podcast with just a few clicks. Additionally, Audvice enables the transformation of any written content into private podcasts using AI voices. This is particularly useful for converting existing guides, product information, or other valuable materials into a private sales enablement podcast instantly. A pro tip is to refine your text with AI-enhanced tools like ChatGPT or Google Gemini before employing AI voices, ensuring the text is optimized for spoken word delivery. Use prompts that enhance your text for audio recording, such as: “Adapt this text into a podcast script suitable for AI voice narration.”

Call to action

End each episode with a clear call to action. This might involve practicing a specific skill, applying a new strategy in their next sales opportunity, or even sharing their own experiences or questions related to the episode’s topic.

Series flow

Ensure there’s a logical flow from one episode to the next, building on previous content or paving the way for upcoming topics. This can help reinforce learning and maintain listener engagement throughout the series.

By planning your episodes thoughtfully, you not only ensure that they are packed with valuable content but also that they are engaging, memorable, and effectively reinforce your sales playbook's key messages. Each episode should stand alone as a valuable resource but also contribute to the overarching narrative of your sales strategy and culture.

Employee listen to an internal sales playbook podcast

Step 3: Launch your private podcast

Getting your podcast off the ground is just the first step. It’s crucial to promote your series internally, welcome feedback, and tap into your team’s insights to tweak and improve future episodes. This ongoing process ensures your podcast stays relevant, engaging, and in sync with your team's needs.

Launching your internal podcast effectively means sharing it across all the right channels. With Audvice, you can easily spread the word about your private podcast. Simply share a link in any internal communication tool, like MS Teams, Slack, or WhatsApp, making sure everyone can tune in effortlessly, whether they’re on desktop or mobile. You also have the flexibility to embed it directly into your intranet or convert it to a SCORM file for smooth integration with your Learning Management System.

If you’ve got a bunch of episodes lined up, consider setting up a dedicated podcast collection page for your Sales Playbook in Audvice featuring all your key episodes. Share the link with your sales team, or integrate the whole collection page into your internal tools. It’s a smart move to keep your content organized and easily accessible, ensuring your team stays plugged in and informed.

A private podcast series offers a modern twist to traditional sales training, providing your team with a flexible, engaging, and impactful learning tool. By transforming your sales playbook into a podcast, you're not just keeping up with the times; you're setting a new standard in sales enablement. Start this transformative journey today and tune into the future of sales excellence.


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