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How to provide a more personalized customer experience

As a customer, you want the most personalized customer experience you can get. You want to use a product that solves problems and pain points, and you want to receive offers and messages that address you as a unique customer and not as the member of a general audience. When offering your product, this means you have to show each of your customers that you value them. It is vital to carefully tailor your communication and selling methods to your customers and create a personalized experience for them.

We want to share 3 tips that will help you address your customers in a more personal way so that you can increase revenue, keep retention high and ensure long-term and sustainable success.

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#1 Build connections from the start

In order to show your customers that you really care about them, you need to build trust from the very first time you interact with them. At Audvice, we have different strategies to ensure form these connections. For example, we use our own app to send personalized follow-ups after a call with a potential customer. Instead of sending a regular follow-up mail, which will probably get lost in customers’ inboxes, you can record a playlist with which to sum up everything you talked about, list some of your product's benefits, explain the offer again, and set expectations for further communication. The person you are addressing will feel personally attended to and will be sure that this is not only a standardized mass e-mail. You can simply share these playlists as a widget, so your potential customer only has to click on a link to listen to it.

Another process to highlight to make your customer experience more personalized is your product onboarding. What better way to keep your customers happy and ensure customer retention than to send them tailored messages from the start. You can do this by segmenting your e-mails, for example, by dividing your customers into use cases for which they want to use your product. You can have them choose their preferences when signing up so that you only send them information that they will really want to receive. Furthermore, you can consider implementing Masterclasses as a part of one of your plans, where you can invite users to an online session, train them in using your product, and give them the time to ask any questions they may have about it.

#2 Create scalable yet personal content

Of course, tailoring all messages and touchpoints to every customer takes up a lot of time and resources that you could otherwise allocate elsewhere. This is exactly why we built Audvice. With audvice, you can record messages in the form of playlists and send them out to your customers. You record these playlists once, but can easily send them out to as many people as you like as many times as you like, simply by sending a public weblink. That way, you can personalize touchpoints without investing any extra effort or resources.

Voice has the ability to convey information in the right context and with a personal touch, which is exactly what you want if you want to build long-lasting customer relationships. For example, we include playlists about audvice and how you can use it on our website and in the onboarding e-mails, that we send out to our new users. As an Audvice user, you can listen to a detailed feature guide while exploring the app, find a playlist that will tell you how to record your first playlist, hear all about our use cases, and learn how our customers benefit from audvice. Your users will be thankful simply to receive information in a new medium, having only to listen.

#3 Improve your product together

It’s important to show your customers that you value them and care about their concerns and opinions by listening to and incorporating their feedback. Firstly, you need to implement structures in place that enable them to share their feedback. We at Audvice include a feedback survey at the end of our onboarding e-mails so that we can collect ideas for improvements straight away. When you are building and selling a product, you can become so deep into the subject that you may miss the most obvious spots for improvement. If you listen to your customers, you will gain new ideas that only come up if you are new to the game or have the right distance from the product.

Only providing space for feedback, but not listening to it will make you seem untrustworthy, so you also need to make your customers aware of the fact that they are helping you to improve your product. Let them know if and why you made changes, share exciting news with them, and thank them for taking the time out of their day to share their opinions. If they feel like they are helping you and you appreciate it, they will put more thought into their feedback and will continue to use your product, since they have helped create it.

All in all, you want to ensure that your customers feel valued, guided and personally addressed without using too much of your company's time and resources. Audvice will help you to execute exactly that. Sound intriguing? Then make sure to get started for free today!


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