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You asked, we built: introducing 10 new features to enhance your app experience

Over the past few months, we’ve been brewing something big… and we are incredibly excited to share it today: our new audvice app is live! We also launched a completely new audvice dashboard. Based on customer feedback from the past year, we have been working diligently on major updates to our app and have built a completely new dashboard. Today, we want to tell you more about our biggest company update of 2022:

Audio content is the most powerful means of effectively sharing information. 85% of the population listens to audio content for almost three hours a day, and this number has increased even more since the start of the global pandemic. Unlike text, audio transfers context and emotion, and unlike video it doesn’t take much effort to record. Listening to information allows us to use our time more efficiently as well: we can listen while taking a walk, shopping for groceries, or commuting. Audvice was built to help you leverage the power of voice at your company by making it easy for anyone to record, listen, organize and share the most relevant information through conveniently structured playlists and bite-sized tracks.

Now let’s check out some new features:

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Admin dashboard

Our customers wanted a better overview of their whole audio library and an option to manage users and content. So we introduced the Admin role: the Admin opens the audio library, invites users, and manages your company’s or teams’ audio library on the dashboard. Individual users do not have access to this Admin dashboard and simply listen and record in their respective audio library. Depending on your pricing plan, your audio library can have one or multiple Admins.

In your dashboard, Admins can invite and remove users from your audio library or libraries (up to or more than 50, depending on your plan). Admins can also create users groups dedicated to certain departments, teams, or interest groups. Admins can see an overview of all the playlists and tracks that are created in your audio library, except for the ones that are private. If you have the enterprise plan, Admins will also be provided with detailed analytics on the information that is recorded and shared. Other than that, Admins are able to set up billing information and upgrade plans via the dashboard. It’s never been easier to manage your audvice audio library.


As an Admin, you can pin playlists via the dashboard, meaning that they will pop up at the top of your audio library’s users' home screens. You can choose which playlists are especially important so that your team will see them at first glance. For example, we at audvice have a “Meet the Team” playlist that contains one introduction track for each team member. Every time a new member joins, they add their own track. We have this playlist pinned in our highlights.


Audvice enables you to leverage the power of voice for your company by recording and sharing information more effectively. Recording tracks with audvice is as simple as a voice message. Just open the recording tab directly in the mobile app and start talking. You can either add your tracks directly to an existing playlist, or save them in your drafts.


Authenticity is what makes sharing information with voice so effective, so there’s no need to over-edit. But if you want polished audio without any fillers, or you make a mistake when recording, you can simply edit and re-record sections of your recordings. As long as your tracks remain in your drafts, you can edit them as much as you want, either by trimming certain sections or by pressing stop, scrolling back, and re-recording a section. This means that you don’t have to stress over getting everything right on your first try; you can play around and see what works best for you. If you already shared a playlist with colleagues, you can simply delete individual tracks from it and replace them with new ones. This makes storing and updating knowledge easier than ever.


Many customers wanted to be able to share and store certain playlists for specific teams, departments or interest groups in one place. That is why we built the groups function, which enables you to do exactly that. You can create groups either as an Admin via the dashboard or as a user directly in the app. The information you share with a certain group is only retrievable for the people in that group, and therefore only members of the group can listen to it. This helps you stay in control of whom you’re sharing information with, while still keeping relevant information in one place and making it easily accessible for your colleagues and teams later on.


With the relaunch of the app, sharing your information has become even easier. After you add drafts or existing tracks to a playlist, you can choose whom you want to share each with. You will see an overview of all users and groups you are part of, and you can simply select the ones you want to share your playlist with. Or maybe you want to keep playlists private so that only you can access and listen to them: to do this, simply don’t choose to share them with any team member or group. Whenever you share a playlist with someone, they will get notified, and you will be able to see who listens to your tracks. If you want to share playlists with people outside your organization, you can simply create a public weblink and share your playlist with anyone.


By using Audvice, not only are you able to record information with your voice, but you are also able to automatically transcribe your tracks through the app. You can also keep exact documentation of what has been said and can also download and share these transcripts with your colleagues, partners, or customers. We love using this function when doing interviews; audvice not only encourages you to structure your interview in different tracks, so you get a better overview from the beginning, but also allows you to download the transcript right after you finish.


The new search function was inspired by our customers’ wish to be able to retrieve information faster. Each audio library has the potential to grow into an extensive knowledge base and the search function allows you to find anything immediately. If you want to find a person, group, track or playlist you can simply enter keyword(s) into the search tab. A collection of all people, groups, tracks and playlists that match the keyword(s) will then pop up so that you can access them in no time.


In your collections, you can find all the tracks you have recorded, playlists you have created, and groups you’re a part of in one place. You can also bookmark important tracks so that you can easily return to them later. If you click on the bookmarks, the individual track will be added to your saved tracks to make it easy to find and listen to later.


Structuring the information you share via playlists in separate tracks not only helps you better understand your information and encourages you to structure your thoughts, but also benefits your listener, who will receive a clearer overview. You can add drafts, pre-existing tracks, or audio files (which can be uploaded by Admins in the dashboard) to a new or existing playlist. After you have selected the recordings, simply title your playlist, add a short description, and include a link to any website, PDF, PowerPoint, or quiz if you want. All of your playlists are collaborative, so your team can add their own tracks if needed.

Curious about all these features? Get started for free today!


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